welcome to use this super require module.
// include files in a folder
// i.e. you can include *.json in /data folder by calling includeFolder("/data","json")
// this will return an array [{"jsonFileName1":{json object}},...]
exports . includeFolder = includeFolder ;
// require an array of string or array of key-value pairs to global space
// string will make both name and value the same
// key-value pair allow name of the global object different from name of module
exports . smartRequire = smartRequire ;
initialize a basic set of modules to global space
current smart require list include following
reqlist . push ( { 'require-json' : '' } ) ;
reqlist . push ( { 'require-yaml' : '' } ) ;
reqlist . push ( { 'require-csv' : '' } ) ;
reqlist . push ( { 'require-ini' : '' } ) ;
reqlist . push ( { 'require-xml' : '' } ) ;
reqlist . push ( { 'fs' : '' } ) ;
reqlist . push ( { 'sys' : '' } ) ;
reqlist . push ( { 'S' : 'string' } ) ;
reqlist . push ( { '_' : 'lodash' } ) ;
reqlist . push ( { '_' : 'underscore' } ) ;
reqlist . push ( { 'underscore' : 'underscore' } ) ;
reqlist . push ( { 'async' : 'async' } ) ;
reqlist . push ( { 'Q' : 'q' } ) ;
reqlist . push ( { 'assert' : '' } ) ;
reqlist . push ( { 'util' : '' } ) ;
reqlist . push ( { 'http' : '' } ) ;
reqlist . push ( { 'express' : '' } ) ;
reqlist . push ( { 'moment' : 'moment' } ) ;
reqlist . push ( { 'needle' : 'needle' } ) ;
reqlist . push ( { 'restler' : 'restler' } ) ;
reqlist . push ( { 'url' : 'url' } ) ;
reqlist . push ( { 'mongoose' : 'mongoose' } ) ;
reqlist . push ( { 'cheerio' : 'cheerio' } ) ;
reqlist . push ( { 'fibers' : 'fibers' } ) ;
reqlist . push ( { 'isodate' : 'isodate' } ) ;
reqlist . push ( { 'connect' : 'connect' } ) ;
reqlist . push ( { 'passport' : 'passport' } ) ;
reqlist . push ( { 'better-require' : 'better-require' } ) ;
this module is ideal for dev dependency or small projects
Use it after you understand what it does, please.
major refactor
kept the ability to load basic modules
removed global include
added requireFolder
added requireArray
removed dependency to require-xml
removed dependency to require-ini
removed dependency to require-yaml
removed dependency to require-json
removed dependency to require-csv
added smart load for require-xml
added smart load for require-ini
added smart load for require-yaml
added smart load for require-json
added smart load for require-csv
requireArray now allows array of string or array of key-value pair objects