
Teensy++ based Sequential Circuits Prophet 600 firmware remake

Primary LanguageC

* P600FW *

Project web page now located there: (downloads, demos, etc.)

--> http://gligli.github.io/p600fw/ <--


This is the P600FW project, a CPU/firmware remake for the SCI Prophet 600 (http://www.vintagesynth.com/sci/p600.php).
It uses a slightly modified Teensy++ board (http://www.pjrc.com/store/teensypp_pins.html) that plugs into the Z80 socket.

Installation and usage

See documentation...

Compiling the Firmware

- AVR-GCC cross-compiler (e.g. on Windows: "MHV_AVR_Tools_20121007", on Mac: "CrossPack for AVR")
- "Teensy Loader" for flashing the compiled firmware to the physical device (http://www.pjrc.com/teensy/loader.html)

> cd firmware
> make

This will produce p600firmware.hex, which you can flash onto your Teensy++ using the Teensy Loader.
For more information about compile procedures, See  documentation/about_Compile.txt.


- Alpha 20130226 : First public version.
- Beta 1.0 : First proper release.
- Stable 2.0 :
	- New user interface (moved all the membrane keypad options to: hit a button once or twice / turn the "Speed" data pot).
	- Assigner rework (better priority system; unison track latch; disabling voices).
	- MIDI out / SysEx patch dumps.
	- Synchronizing the Arpeggiator to MIDI clock.
	- Unison detune.
	- Dedicated vibrato (independent from the LFO).
	- Automatic modulation after a delay.
	- Many bug fixes and tweaks.


Everything is under GPL v3 license, except files that have their own license in the header.