
Personal .vimrc and .vim configurations

Primary LanguageShell


A clone of my .vimrc and plugin


To clone git:

$ git clone --recursive https://github.com/gliliumho/vimrc.git

It is very important to use the --recursive flag because there are submodules in .vim/bundle/ folder. If you cloned it without the --recursive flag, just run the following commands:

cd vimrc/
git submodule update --init --recursive

Be sure to install compile and install YouCompleteMe under .vim/bundle/YouCompleteMe/. Just run:

./install.py --clang-completer


I wrote a (very) simple script to create symbolic links of the files in $HOME directory. Just run script using command below:

$ bash ./setup.sh

The script also creates backup of the files it's creating symbolic links of (since they'll be replaced).

~/.bashrc -> ~/.bashrc.bak
~/.vim -> ~/.vim.bak
~/.vimrc -> ~/.vimrc