A simple tool to relink Final Cut Pro X events with .RMD files generated

This is a little helper script that aides in a particular workflow
when using RED cameras and FCP-X.  There's an issue in FCP-X when not
copying the original R3D files into a FCPX Event.  If there was no
.RMD sidecar when the clip was imported, and a RMD was later generated
by REDCINE-X (or other software), FCPX will not find the .RMD file.

This script creates the appropriate links back to the original RMD
files for use by FCPX.

usage: fcpx_rmd_relink.py [-h] source_dir event_dir

Relink RMDs with FCPX Events

positional arguments:
  source_dir  Path to your .RDC directories
  event_dir   Path to the FCP Event directory