
Ansible playbooks

  • aws.cfg | AWS credentials

  • az_mean_config.yml | Configures a MEAN stack built by az_mean_deploy.yml as part of a Tower workflow

  • az_mean_deploy.yml | Deploys a MEAN stack in azure, to be followed by az_mean_config.yml as part of a Tower workflow

  • create_az_db_teama.yml | Create an audit enabled SQL server database in azure

  • create_rds_audit.yml | Create an audit enabled SQL server database in aws rds

  • create_rds_schedule_teama.yml | Create a Tower schedule to delete aws rds databases at a certain date/time

  • create_rds_teama.yml | Create a simple aws rds database

  • f5_day2_config.yml | Maintains a configuration on an existing bigip device

  • permission_policy.json | used by the role_policy.yml playbook

  • role_policy.yml | Maintains a role/trust/policy in aws iam

  • stop_rds_teama.yml | Deletes all aws rds databases tagged to TeamA

  • tower_cli.cfg | Credentials for Tower so the tower cli can be used

  • trust_policy.json | used by the role_policy.yml playbook