
My carefully crafted tsconfig


leverage TypeScript compiler for writing plain old JavaScript

💡 The idea:

I like JavaScript. I like the fact that is dynamic. I want to write JavaScript, but we all know that sometimes an helping hand while writing our code could simplify our life. So, here a tsconfig that let's you write JS, while TS compiler prevents you from introduce annoying bugs

The rules:

rule value meaning
allowJs true Allow JavaScript files to be compiled
checkJs true support type-checking and reporting errors in .js files
noFallthroughCasesInSwitch true helpful if you never want to forget a break statement between cases in a switch block
noImplicitAny true need to explicitly set type to any
noImplicitReturns true Report error when not all code paths in function return a value
noImplicitThis true TypeScript will issue an error when this is used without an explicit (or inferred) type
noUnusedLocals true Report errors on unused locals
noUnusedParameters true Report errors on unused parameters
strictBindCallApply true Enable stricter checking of of the bind, call, and apply methods on functions

How to use it:

You just need to copy this tsconfig file inside your working directory, like this:
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/glippi/ts4js/master/tsconfig.json


Please check the official TypeScript documentation for more info: