Interview questions for COOP, Capstone and employees
Master Build
Develop Build
Steps required to build and test the server questions project
In order to build the project successfully and with the least amount of errors users should have the following installed on their work stations.
- Eclipse or Visual Studio Code
- Maven 3.x.y where y >=0 and x >= 5
- Java 11
- Understanding of Maven and HTTP requests
Create an environment variable on your operating system called OUTREACH_MAPS_KEY
. The value for the key will be the Google Maps API token which will be provided to you prior to the interview.
If you are uncertain of creating environment variables for your operating system please read the correct article for your operating system:
Simply clone the repo and navigate within the candidate-questions
and execute the following command:
mvn clean install
Simply clone the repo and navigate within the candidate-questions/server-questions
and execute the following command:
mvn test
Steps required to build and test the server questions project
In order to build the project successfully and with the least amount of errors users should have the following installed on their work stations.
- Visual Studio Code
- NodeJS 10.x, x > 10
- Understanding of NPM and HTTP requests
Rename the .env.template
file to .env
and add the API key that was given to you to this file.
Once complete run
npm install
npm run start
Rename the .env.template
file to .env
and add the API key that was given to you to this file.
Once complete run the following:
npm install
npm run build
Simply clone the repo and navigate within the candidate-questions/client-questions
and execute the following command:
npm install
npm run test
In order to pull request the project results into the repository you must Fork
the repository into your own Github account. Once the project has been forked then simply make the necessary changes to the project. Once complete create a pull request with the changes so that the owner of the project can review the necessary changes.
Source: Github Documentation