- 3
0.74 not available via pip
#179 opened by Daniwin82 - 0
- 0
TypeError - grow()
#178 opened by Daniwin82 - 0
Feature request: mask
#177 opened by Daniwin82 - 0
opening app doesn't work
#176 opened by Daniwin82 - 2
How To Remove Unwanted Printing ?
#175 opened by VarnaX - 0
Pillow 8.3.0 not working, use 8.2.0 instead
#172 opened by jboyd90 - 0
Chinese path error
#171 opened by HuangJiangShen - 1
lackey.type can not support chinese
#167 opened by Oliver-0412 - 0
- 1
- 0
Typo in `Region.getCell` method
#163 opened by trots - 0
- 8
"Deprecate" Error prompts while importing
#127 opened by hkturtco - 2
- 5
Region.exists() cannot work with Pattern(np.array())
#144 opened by gzll - 4
Screen capture will not save the screen into PNG
#135 opened by jopasi - 2
paste(img, data) has different behaviors in lackey
#138 opened by jopasi - 3
Is Lackey still active/supported?
#156 opened by randyr90s - 1
Raspbian support
#153 opened by SaeYeonChung - 12
Mouse Library Overflow Error
#137 opened by maxdule - 2
Adjust the minimum of similarity
#155 opened by frank1121 - 4
- 4
type(Key.RIGHT, Key.SHIFT) does not work as expected
#143 opened by genequ - 4
Error when typing ALT key on Mac
#142 opened by genequ - 4
- 3
- 1
Documentation not available (.io => .org)
#149 opened by jfthuong - 2
Functions `findAny` and `find...List` are missing
#148 opened by jfthuong - 0
Region.highlight() does not work
#147 opened by krupka-san - 2
Missing dependency on Mac for python3?
#146 opened by zh2eou - 2
In terms of image recognition and matching, where is lackey better than pyautogui?
#145 opened by laovvvcom - 3
Retina device support?
#141 opened by genequ - 0
Implement images with transparent parts
#136 opened by beuaaa - 2
NameError: name 'args' is not defined
#129 opened by luciferz2012 - 1
Python 3.7 support
#131 opened by glitchassassin - 4
OPENCV Installation Error on Windows also
#125 opened by Coder-Sayan31 - 2
- 0
NameError for aboveAt, bottomAt
#120 opened by Sudbin - 1
ValueError for Region.onChange()
#118 opened by OswaldoAtGit - 1
mouseDown error msg
#115 opened by howtoesc - 3
- 0
#126 opened by hkturtco - 2
Permission error in keyboard on Mac
#108 opened by genequ - 3
How can I turn off the debug message?
#121 opened by chrischenubc - 5
- 2
No module named tkinter - In linux
#116 opened by BonuV - 6
multi monitor error
#114 opened by howtoesc - 4
Few user questions!
#113 opened by UANEMESIS - 2
Lackey online documentation missing
#107 opened by daxiarobin