
Todo app using React, Redux and create-react-app. Based on the Redux tutorial part1 and part 2 from Dan Abramov on egghead.io. ( https://egghead.io/courses/building-react-applications-with-idiomatic-redux ).

Primary LanguageJavaScript

React with Idiomatic Redux

This is the final product of great Redux tutorial from Dan Abramov on Egghead.io. You can see a working copy on surge.sh as idiomatic-redux. Repository includes both part 1 and part 2. If you follow the tutorial and watch the videos, do not skip part 1.

This repository has a major difference from Dan Abramov's codes for React Router. All the code updated for React Router 4.1.1

Also there are some minor differences and fixes for old usage of some libraries such as react-logger and normalizr.

All the other differences are optional.


Initial code is based on create-react-app, so you can simply run:

yarn install
yarn start

All the other actions you can use create-react-app instructions of course.