#iOS pratice and note

##1. Class Logistics, Overview of iOS, MVC, Objective-C (January 8, 2013) ###MVC

  • Model = What your application is (but not how it is displayed)
  • Controller = How your Model is presented to the user (UI logic)
  • View = Your Controller's monions

###Why do not use ==

card.contents isEqualToString: self.contents


##2. Xcode 4 (January 10,2013)

id: 一個point reference任何物件

option + shift + k =

同時顯示.h, .m 選擇兩個檔案後按Editor,然後把第二個按Counterparts -> file.m

##4. Fundation, Attributed Strings (January 17, 2013) ###Class Methods

  • common way
- (void)setSuit:(NSString *)suit
    if([[PlayingCard valiSuits] containsObject:suit]) _suit = suit;
  • another way ...
- (void)setSuit:(NSString *)suit
    if([[self class] validSuits] containsObject:suit) _suti = suit;

如果你subclass有implemented validSuits 的時候, 它會執行你override的validSuit方法