Godot Team17 TileMap

Example of importer for Team17 maps from Amiga games Games using map format:

  • SuperFrog
  • AlienBreed
  • ProjectX

SuperFrog CD32 version

SuperFrog Amiga long play video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V1R7Pd329Bc

Imported SuperFrog map example is hosted on project GitHub pages:


  • Arrow Left - Move left
  • Arrow Right - Move right
  • Arrow Up - Jump

Game assets are located in data folder, compressed using Imploder 4.0.
There are 6 levels (worlds) in game, assets files per level have prefix "L" and level number e.g. "L1".
Each file has suffix depending on purpose of file:

  • BM is tile set image 320x672 5bpp full file name e.g.
    • L1BM, converted to png for example L1BM.png
  • BO are enemy sprites image full file name e.g.
    • L1BO, converted to png for example L1BO.png
  • ET is level end title screen image full file name e.g.
    • L1ET, not used in example
  • FX is level SoundFx, unknown format full file name e.g.
    • L1FX, not used in example
  • LP is level loading screen image full file name e.g.
    • L1LP, not used in example
  • MA is tile map, includes number e.g. MA1, MA2... full file name e.g.
    • L1MA1, added extension .t7mp for importer L1MA1.t7mp
    • L1MA2, added extension .t7mp for importer L1MA2.t7mp
    • L1MA3, added extension .t7mp for importer L1MA3.t7mp
    • L1MA4, added extension .t7mp for importer L1MA4.t7mp
  • MS tiles collision masks as raw image 320x672 1bpp full file name e.g.
    • L1MS, converted to png for example L1MS.png
  • MU is level music as ProTracker module packed format, recognizable by the P41A magic bytes full file name e.g.
    • L1MU, not used in example
