
scalajs-bundler::fastOptJS sourcemap bug reproduction

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scalajs-bundler::fastOptJS sourcemap bug reproduction

  1. run sbt clean fastOptJS first time
  2. check generated source map file ./target/scala-2.11/scalajs-bundler/main/scalajs-bundler-wrongsourcemap-fastopt.js.map, there is such path to source file:
  1. run sbt clean fastOptJS second, third... etc. time
  2. path to source file will be different:

and this is right path!

Realtive Vs Absolute

I don't know why, but scalajs-bundler version of fastOptJS generates relative paths to source files in sourcemap file, original scalajs version of fastOptJS generates absolute paths like this:


(you can check this by remove enablePlugins(ScalaJSBundlerPlugin) line from build.sbt, run sbt clean fastOptJS and check ./target/scala-2.11/scalajs-bundler-wrongsourcemap-fastopt.js.map)