
This Repository contains the "vcd_nsxt_alb_pool" Terraform Module. You can use this Module to deploy NSX-T ALB Pools into a VMware Cloud Director (VCD) Environment.

Primary LanguageHCL

VCD NSX-T ALB Pool Module

This Terraform module will deploy a NSX-T ALB Pool into an existing VMware Cloud Director (VCD) environment. It can be used to provision a new ALB Pool, which represents a group of servers to which the load balancer can distribute traffic. This module can be used to provision new ALB Pools into Rackspace Technology SDDC Flex VCD Data Center Regions.


Name Version
terraform ~> 1.2
vcd ~> 3.8


Name Type
vcd_vdc_group Data Source
vcd_nsxt_edgegateway Data Source
vcd_library_certificate Data Source
vcd_nsxt_ip_set Data Source
vcd_nsxt_alb_pool Resource


Name Description Type Default Required
vdc_org_name The name of the Data Center Group Organization in VCD string "Organization Name Format: <Account_Number>-<Region>-<Account_Name>" yes
vdc_group_name The name of the Data Center Group in VCD string "Data Center Group Name Format: <Account_Number>-<Region>-<Account_Name> <datacenter group>" yes
vcd_edge_name Name of the Data Center Group Edge Gateway string "Edge Gateway Name Format: <Account_Number>-<Region>-<Edge_GW_Identifier>-<edge>" Yes
pool_name A name for NSX-T ALB Pool string "" yes
members List of pool members list(object({ enabled = bool, ip_address = string, port = number, ratio = number })) [] yes
member_group_id A reference to NSX-T IP Set string "" no
member_group_ip_set_name The name of the Member Group IP Set string "" no
use_member_group Whether to use an IP set as pool members bool false no
description An optional description NSX-T ALB Pool string "" no
enabled Boolean value if NSX-T ALB Pool should be enabled bool true no
algorithm Optional algorithm for choosing pool members string "LEAST_CONNECTIONS" no
default_port Default Port defines destination server port used by the traffic sent to the member number 80 no
graceful_timeout_period Maximum time in minutes to gracefully disable pool member string "1" no
passive_monitoring_enabled Defines if client traffic should be used to check if pool member is up or down bool true no
ca_certificate_name The name of the CA certificate string "" no
cn_check_enabled Specifies whether to check the common name of the certificate presented by the pool member bool false no
domain_names A set of domain names which will be used to verify the common names or subject alternative names presented by the pool member certificates list(string) [] no
persistence_profile Persistence profile to ensure that the same user sticks to the same server for a desired duration of time list(object({ type = string, value = string })) [] no
health_monitor Health monitor to check if a member is up or down list(object({ type = string })) [] no


Name Description
associated_virtual_service_ids The IDs of the Virtual Services associated with the ALB Pool
associated_virtual_services The names of the Virtual Services associated with the ALB Pool
lb_pool_members List of all members with their details in the ALB Pool
lb_member_count The total count of the members in the ALB Pool
lb_up_member_count The count of the up members in the ALB Pool
lb_enabled_member_count The count of the enabled members in the ALB Pool
health_message The health message for the ALB Pool
lb_algorithm The load balancing algorithm used for the ALB Pool
lb_default_server_port The default server port for the ALB Pool
lb_persistence_profile_name System generated name of Persistence Profile
lb_health_monitor_type Type of health monitor. One of HTTP, HTTPS, TCP, UDP, PING
lb_health_monitor_name System generated name of Health monitor
lb_health_monitor_system_defined A boolean flag if the Health monitor is system defined
lb_member_group_ipset_name The name of the IP set used for the member group in the ALB Pool

Use Case Example #1 (Member Type: IP Address)

This is an example of a main.tf file that uses the "github.com/global-vmware/vcd_nsxt_alb_pool" Module source to create a NSX-T ALB Pool that is using a Member Type of: IP Address.

module "vcd_nsxt_alb_pool" {
  source          = "github.com/global-vmware/vcd_nsxt_alb_pool.git?ref=v1.2.1"
  vdc_group_name  = "<US1-VDC-GRP-NAME>"
  vdc_org_name    = "<US1-VDC-ORG-NAME>"
  vdc_edge_name   = "<US1-VDC-EDGE-NAME>"

  pool_name       = "test-pool-01"

  default_port    = 80

  members = [
      ip_address  = "",
      enabled     = true,
      port        = 80,
      ratio       = 1
      ip_address  = "",
      enabled     = true,
      port        = 80,
      ratio       = 1

  algorithm       = "FASTEST_RESPONSE"

  persistence_profile = [
      type  = "CLIENT_IP"
      value = ""

  health_monitor  = [
      type  = "HTTP"

Use Case Example #2 (Member Type: Group)

This is an example of a main.tf file that uses the "github.com/global-vmware/vcd_nsxt_alb_pool" Module source to create a NSX-T ALB Pool that is using a Member Type of: Group.

module "vcd_nsxt_alb_pool" {
  source          = "github.com/global-vmware/vcd_nsxt_alb_pool.git?ref=v1.2.0"
  vdc_group_name            = "<US1-VDC-GRP-NAME>"
  vdc_org_name              = "<US1-VDC-ORG-NAME>"
  vdc_edge_name             = "<US1-VDC-EDGE-NAME>"

  pool_name                 = "test-pool-01"

  default_port              = 80

  use_member_group          = true
  member_group_ip_set_name  = "US1-Prod-App-Web-Pool"

  algorithm                 = "LEAST_LOAD"

  persistence_profile = [
      type  = "CLIENT_IP"
      value = ""

  health_monitor  = [
      type  = "HTTP"


This module is maintained by the Global VMware Cloud Automation Services Team.