
This Repository contains the "vcd_nsxt_alb_virtual_service" Terraform Module. You can use this Module to deploy NSX-T ALB Virtual Services into a VMware Cloud Director (VCD) Environment.

Primary LanguageHCL

Terraform VMware Cloud Director NSX-T ALB Virtual Service Module

This Terraform module will deploy an NSX-T ALB (Advanced Load Balancer) Virtual Service into an existing VMware Cloud Director (VCD) environment. This module can be used to provision new ALB Virtual Services into Rackspace Technology SDDC Flex VCD Data Center Regions.


Name Version
terraform ~> 1.2
vcd ~> 3.8


Name Type
vcd_vdc_group Data Source
vcd_nsxt_edgegateway Data Source
vcd_nsxt_alb_edgegateway_service_engine_group Data Source
vcd_nsxt_alb_pool Data Source
vcd_library_certificate Data Source
vcd_nsxt_alb_virtual_service Resource


Name Description Type Default Required
vdc_org_name The name of the Data Center Group Organization in VCD string "Organization Name Format: <Account_Number>-<Region>-<Account_Name>" yes
vdc_group_name The name of the Data Center Group in VCD string "Data Center Group Name Format: <Account_Number>-<Region>-<Account_Name> <datacenter group>" yes
vdc_edge_name Name of the Data Center Group Edge Gateway string "Edge Gateway Name Format: <Account_Number>-<Region>-<Edge_GW_Identifier>-<edge>" Yes
service_engine_group_name The name of the NSX-T ALB Service Engine Group string "Service Engine Group Name Format: <Region>-rsvc-lb-segroup<01>" yes
pool_name The name of the NSX-T ALB Pool string - yes
virtual_service_name The name of the NSX-T ALB Virtual Service string - yes
virtual_service_description The description of the NSX-T ALB Virtual Service string "" no
application_profile_type The type of application profile for the NSX-T ALB Virtual Service string - yes
is_transparent_mode_enabled Whether the transparent mode is enabled for the NSX-T ALB Virtual Service bool false no
cert_alias The alias of the certificate from the VCD library string "" no
ca_certificate_required Defines if a CA certificate is required for the virtual service. Set to true for HTTPS and L4_TLS types, and to false for HTTP and L4 types. bool false no
service_ports List of service ports configuration for the NSX-T ALB Virtual Service list(object({ start_port = number, end_port = optional(number), type = string, ssl_enabled = optional(bool) })) - yes
virtual_ip_address IP Address for the service to listen on string - yes


Name Description
alb_virtual_service_id ID of the created NSX-T ALB Virtual Service
alb_virtual_service_vip IP Address of the created NSX-T ALB Virtual Service
alb_pool_id ID of the NSX-T ALB Pool
alb_pool_name Name of the NSX-T ALB Pool
alb_application_profile_type Type of application profile for the NSX-T ALB Virtual Service
alb_virtual_service_service_ports List of service ports configuration for the NSX-T ALB Virtual Service

Example Usage

module "nsxt_alb_virtual_service" {
  source                        = "github.com/global-vmware/vcd_nsxt_alb_virtual_service.git?ref=v1.1.1"

  vdc_group_name                = "<US1-VDC-GRP-NAME>"
  vdc_org_name                  = "<US1-VDC-ORG-NAME>"
  vdc_edge_name                 = "<US1-VDC-EDGE-NAME>"
  service_engine_group_name     = "<US1-VDC-SEGROUP-NAME>"
  virtual_service_name          = "test-vip-01"

  pool_name                     = "test-pool-01"

  application_profile_type      = "HTTPS"

  ca_certificate_required       = true
  cert_alias                    = "US1-domain.com-SSL-Certificate"

  virtual_ip_address            = ""

  service_ports = [
        start_port  = 443,
        type        = "TCP_PROXY",
        ssl_enabled = true,
        start_port  = 8443,
        type        = "TCP_PROXY",
        ssl_enabled = true


This module is maintained by the Global VMware Cloud Automation Services Team.