
Ansible role to install Microsoft SCCM agent to Windows instances by @jesseloudon

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT

Role Name

ansible-role-sccm-agent Downloads the SCCM agent binaries and installs to the target machine.

Role Variables

Defined in ./defaults/main.yml

  • sccm_agent_windows_file_path
  • smssitecode
  • fsp
  • smsmp
  • sccm_install_cmd

Task Tags

Defined in ./tasks/windows.yml

  • initialverification
  • download
  • unzip
  • install
  • wait
  • finalverification

Usage Examples

  • ansible-playbook tasks/main.yml -vvv -- --tags="initialverification,download,unzip,install,wait,finalverification"


  • ansible-playbook tasks/main.yml -vvv -- --tags="download,unzip,install"

Role Development Dependencies

Defined in ./requirements.txt

  • ansible>=2.9.12
  • ansible[azure]
  • ansible-lint>=4.2.0
  • molecule>=3.0.6
  • molecule-azure>=0.3
  • yamllint>=1.24.2
  • pywinrm>=0.4.1
  • junit-xml>=1.9
  • requests>=2.24.0
  • wheel>=0.30.0

Role Development Steps (w/ Molecule/Azure)

  1. Create and access your Ansible control node in Azure (can simply be 1x Ubuntu VM, 1x VNET, 1x SUBNET)
  2. git clone https://github.com/globalbao/ansible-role-sccm-agent.git
  3. cd /ansible-role-sccm-agent
  4. ./run.sh
  5. curl -sL https://aka.ms/InstallAzureCLIDeb | sudo bash
  6. Update your Azure & Ansible variables in /molecule/winXXXX/xxx.yml files as required
  7. az login
  8. az subscription set -s SUBSCRIPTIONID
  9. ansible-lint tasks/main.yml
  10. molecule list
  11. molecule create -s winXXXX
  12. molecule converge -s winXXXX
  13. molecule verify -s winXXXX
  14. molecule test -s winXXXX