- 3
arm64 lxc-gentoo
#86 opened by necrose99 - 1
Which lxc is latest?
#87 opened by krisk0 - 9
Auto-generate Gentoo docker images
#80 opened by globalcitizen - 1
WTF is fuidshift?
#85 opened by Lucretia - 3
.gnupg/pubring.gpg doesn't exist
#84 opened by jcalfee - 0
typo in line 29
#82 opened by toralf - 0
Auto-generate Amazon AWS AMI machine images
#81 opened by globalcitizen - 10
- 5
OSX missing flock
#79 opened by globalcitizen - 1
Migrate to lxc.cap.keep
#59 opened by globalcitizen - 4
#22 opened by globalcitizen - 7
- 1
#24 opened by globalcitizen - 15
GPG-based signature validation
#38 opened by globalcitizen - 2
- 5
SSH keys and users
#52 opened by specing - 1
Network doesn't work
#69 opened by atykhonov - 1
lxc instance doesn't shutdown
#70 opened by atykhonov - 3
Fetch does not work
#66 opened by arnaghizadeh - 1
lxc can not shut down
#68 opened by arnaghizadeh - 0
- 1
No console when daemonize
#64 opened by cthuun - 7
- 2
Integration in sf.lxc repo
#61 opened by dodgerblue - 1
- 12
support external usr/portage
#19 opened by globalcitizen - 1
lxc-shutdown / lxc-stop doesn't stop gentoo guest
#54 opened by dincek - 2
Better command line help
#51 opened by globalcitizen - 4
Add way to specify custom stage3 tarball
#43 opened by devurandom - 4
- 6
Network problem on Debian Wheezy Host
#44 opened by moschlar - 2
- 2
Support Logical Volume (LV) as Target
#41 opened by globalcitizen - 3
errors not handled correctly
#27 opened by bearieq - 6
Fixed IPv4 and /etc/init.d/net.eth0
#33 opened by PoPoutdoor - 2
Silent bash error messages
#34 opened by PoPoutdoor - 1
lxc.cap.drop and Portage
#32 opened by PoPoutdoor - 3
more path options
#30 opened by hujuice - 6
Errors when dropping sys_admin cap
#29 opened by gentooboontoo - 3
- 0
Support Multiple Interfaces
#25 opened by globalcitizen - 2
- 0
Support Multiple Gateways
#21 opened by globalcitizen - 0
support hardened
#17 opened by globalcitizen - 0
support no-multilib
#18 opened by globalcitizen - 2
Allow arbitrary stage tarball to be used
#15 opened by nephros - 11
OpenRC support
#10 opened by guspower - 3
command lines switches interface request
#9 opened by permeakra - 9
recent stage3 does not provide populated /dev
#11 opened by gza - 1
Download of stage3 x86
#7 opened by Wicla