
GlobaLeaks application to make submission from iPhone

The GlobaLeaks Iphone Application


 * User select GlobaLeaks Site (insert url or load from http://leakdirectory.org)
 * Submission site logos, title, description, Target Groups and submission fields are dynamically loaded
 * User can submit (by activating the multimedia-functionality from within GlobaLeaks
    * Photos
    * Video
    * Audio
    * Files
    * Text
 * User is given the ability to see a progress bar of Upload (that must work in background)

Future Features

 * User can upload anonoymouly by enabling Tor
 * Ability to tag a submission with a GPS coordinate (to show that this "fact" happened here)
 * Client side PGP encryption of submission

The application must be written in a way that OEM versions can be easily created by anyone who would like to publish to apple store it's own Submission application with it's own AppName and AppLogo customized.