
Small file upload application

Primary LanguagePython

Simple multi filedrop Flask application

This small app lets you start a quick upload server. Files will not be clobbered by subsequent uploads.

A docker image is ready to use at https://hub.docker.com/r/leucos/filedrop/

Run using source

Install requirements:

sudo pip3 install -r requirements.txt

then run the app:

FLASK_APP=filedrop.py flask run

Head to http://localhost:5000

Uploaded files will be in ./uploads/.

Run using container

Application is exposed by Flask on port 5000. Files are uploaded in container under /app/uploads so you have to mount that path to access it from host:

docker run -p 80:5000 -d --name filedrop -v /some/place:/app/uploads leucos/filedrop

You can build the container yourself if you prefer:

docker build . -t you/filedrop

Running behind nginx

Assuming you want to run your application under /uploads using nginx, this config section does the trick:

location ~ ^/upload(/?)(.*)$ {
    proxy_set_header X-Mount /upload;

Then run the container on the appropriate port:

docker run -p 5555:5000 -d --name filedrop -v /some/place:/app/uploads leucos/filedrop

or the app if you prefer:

FLASK_APP=filedrop.py flask run --port 5555

The X-Mount option will help filedrop relocate itself at the proper location. It is not needed if you want to serve the app at /.


Released under WTFPL licence https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WTFPL except for the contained dropzonejs code (http://www.dropzonejs.com/).

Made with <3 by @leucos