
Global Map South Africa 1.1 (in preparation)


gmza11: Global Map South Africa 1.1

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attribution report


Credit: "Global Map of the Republic of South Africa © ISCGM/State Copyright, Department of Rural Development and Land Reform, Chief Directorate of National Geo-spatial Information, Website: http://www.ngi.gov.za/"

Contact: Department of Rural Development and Land Reform, Chief Directorate of National Geo-spatial Information.

E-mail: email

URL: http://www.ngi.gov.za/


Global Map South_Africa 1.1: Land Cover 1.1

This Data is for Global Map phase 2.2 The classification is different from the Global Map Specifications 1.2.1.

Tentative land cover legend for Global Map phase 2

  1. Broadleaf Evergreen Forest
  2. Broadleaf Deciduous Forest
  3. Needleleaf Evergreen Forest
  4. Needleleaf Deciduous Forest
  5. Mixed Forest
  6. Tree Open
  7. Shrub
  8. Herbaceous, single layer
  9. Herbaceous with Sparse Tree/Shrub
  10. Sparse Herbaceous / Shrub
  11. Cropland (herbaceous crops except rice)
  12. Rice, paddy
  13. Cropland / Natural Vegetation Mosaic
  14. Tree-Water (Brackish to Saline)
  15. Wetland
  16. Bare area, consolidated (gravel, rock)
  17. Bare area, unconsolidated (sand)
  18. Urban
  19. Snow / Ice
  20. Water bodies

(From the Report of the International Steering Committee for Global Mapping (ISCGM) Working Group 4 on Raster Data Development" submitted to ISCGM13 meeting.)