testproject.io and serenity bdd

by using the testproject.io junit5 example and wiring a serenity steplistener to the reportingdriver

⚠️ Don't get your hopes up, does not work this way

using Serenity BDD with a custom driver implementation does work better


Get some test code structure and readability by using Actor, Performable and Question. Get reports that provide context why you are asserting stuff, not just a list of driver commands.


how it should be used

Get some screenplay into your testproject.io tests and reports.

follow https://docs.testproject.io/testproject-sdk/opensdk-v2/java-sdk to set up your agent and don't forget the TP_DEV_TOKEN environment variable.

check out this project and import it as maven project into your IDE.

run tests from the IDE.

run tests with mvn verify

Thoughts and WTFs

  • step reporting rather limited, ReportingDriver allows only status passed or failed
  • automated command reporting gets pretty verbose, collapsing sub-steps like it's possible with these reports from recorded tests and sub-tests would be good
  • error reporting in @Nested does not work
  • testproject.io artifact upload limit of 50mb isn't enough . can i get rid of serenity-core and only pull in what I need?
  • running a single class is fine, running all classes somehow results in driver.sessionId == null when calling driver.report().step(), weird.
  • running multiple tests also results in driver.sessionId == null though less frequent
  • can't run things locally with surefire or failsafe. i think TestNg is messing with it?
  • it wont be possible to report multiple browser instances interacting in a single report. you could still use multiple actors for e.g. separated browser and rest api access