
@deprecated - Rule based accessibility linter for HTML documents

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

###--This Package has been deprecated as we can not longer mantain it.--

AriaLinter Build Status Dependencies

AriaLinter goal is twofold:

  • provide a simple accessibility linter for HTML documents
  • provide a Grunt task based on the linter in order to integrate accesibility best practices right into the build system

Getting Started

Grunt task

This plugin requires Grunt ~0.4.0

If you haven't used Grunt before, be sure to check out the Getting Started guide, as it explains how to create a Gruntfile as well as install and use Grunt plugins. Once you're familiar with that process, you may install this plugin with this command:

$ npm install grunt-arialinter --save-dev

Once the plugin has been installed, it can be enabled inside your Gruntfile with this line of JavaScript:


Afterwards, files, markup, and url's can be linted:

  arialinter: {
      files: ['partials/**/*.html', 'components/**/*.hbs'],
      options: {
        level: 'A',
        templates: true,
        rules: {
          contrastMinimum: false,
          doNotUseElementBlink: true

grunt.registerTask('default', ['arialinter']);


  • templates: if templates is true then a subset of the rules will be run. This subset comprises those rules that can be checked against a static HTML template. Rules that require checking the correct event-handlers or any other dynamic condition wont be run. By contrast, if templates is false then all rules will be run
  • levels: indicates which rules will be run according to the level they belong to. If you dont specify any level, it'' run for all the levels.
  • rules: enable or disable a given rule. Overwrites level option.


You can also use it with nodejs like a regular library

Install the package from npm

$ npm install arialinter --save-dev

Then, using arialinter, is as easy as:

var AriaLinter = require('arialinter');

AriaLinter.initialize('https://github.com/', function() {
  if (AriaLinter.evaluate()){
    console.log('All rules were successfully passed');
  } else {
    console.log('AriaLinter found ' + AriaLinter.getErrorsFound() + ' accessibility issues');
    console.log(AriaLinter.getReport('text', 'https://github.com/'));

You can also pass an options argument to the evaluate() method:

var AriaLinter = require('arialinter');

AriaLinter.initialize('https://github.com/', function() {
  if (AriaLinter.evaluate({level: 'A', template: true})){
    console.log('All rules were successfully passed');
  } else {
    console.log('AriaLinter found ' + AriaLinter.getErrorsFound() + ' accessibility issues');
    console.log(AriaLinter.getReport('text', 'https://github.com/'));


To run arialinter from the command line:

$ npm install -g arialinter

Display all the rules

$ arialinter --rules

Execute the linter just for templates

$ arialinter --templates test/testFiles/template.html

Execute the linter using all the rules of the level A

$ arialinter --level A  test/testFiles/index.html

Execute the linter using all the rules of the level A and the rules that just apply for templates

$ arialinter --level A --templates test/testFiles/index.html

##Related projects:

  • A11YLint. A11YLint is an extension for the Brackets IDE which aims to bring the same kind of in-context, immediate feedback that you get from JSLint/JSHint and other linting tools, but regarding issues in your HTML that would affect how accessible your content is.
  • gulp-arialinter. Gulp plugin for the accessibility tool AriaLinter.



Copyright (c) 2013 Globant UI Developers

Licensed under the MIT license.