A golang opinionated library to provide reliable request using hystrix-go, go-cache, and go-resiliency.
When you do a Get
, it provides:
- an HTTP client configured with timeouts and keepalive,
- a circuit breaker and
- a proper caching system.
req := reliablereq.NewReliableRequest()
req.TTLCache = 1 * time.Second
req.EnableStaleCache = false
body, err := req.Get("http://example.com/list")
// passing authentication/authorization bearer token
req := reliablereq.NewReliableRequest()
req.Headers = map[string]string{"Authorization": "Bearer foobar"}
body, err := req.Get("http://example.com/list")
// creating a different hystrix command
req := reliablereq.NewReliableRequest()
req.UpdateHystrixConfig("api2command", hystrix.CommandConfig{
Timeout: 800 + 100,
MaxConcurrentRequests: 100,
ErrorPercentThreshold: 50,
RequestVolumeThreshold: 20,
SleepWindow: 5000,
body, err := req.Get("http://example.com/list")
Make sure you use different Hystrix commands for other endpoint APIs or separated Circuit Breaker contexts, otherwise, an endpoint may open the circuit breaker and all other requests will fail.
// reliable request defaults
rr := ReliableRequest{
EnableCache: true,
TTLCache: 1 * time.Minute,
EnableStaleCache: true,
TTLStaleCache: 24 * time.Hour,
// hystrix
var defaultHystrixConfiguration = hystrix.CommandConfig{
Timeout: 800 + 100, // the defaultTimeout http client + a small gap
MaxConcurrentRequests: 100,
ErrorPercentThreshold: 50,
RequestVolumeThreshold: 3,
SleepWindow: 5000,
// http client
client := &http.Client{
Transport: &http.Transport{
DialContext: (&net.Dialer{
Timeout: 800 * time.Millisecond,
KeepAlive: 30 * time.Second,
MaxIdleConns: 100,
MaxIdleConnsPerHost: 100,
TLSHandshakeTimeout: 800 * time.Millisecond,
Timeout: 800 * time.Millisecond,
- provide a proxy to setup hystrix
- add retry logic (by go-resiliency)
- add more examples, like token header requests and more
- discuss the adopted defaults
- discuss whether async hystrix is better (Go instead of Do)
- understand and test the simultaneous client req hystrix config to see its implications
- add go api documentation
- add hooks (callbacks) to provides means for metrics gathering
- add more HTTP verbs?
- add load stress