
Material for the Globus Labs web site.

Adding News Items

Create a new file in _posts following the format of the others:

  • A file with the name pattern YYYY-MM-DD-post-title.markdown

  • Content with the format

     layout: post
     title: "${title}"
     date: $post_date $post_time -0700
     type: $type
     [Your content here]

You can use to do these in one step

Adding New Publications

Procedure for adding new publication

  1. Add the publication as a PDF to ./pubs

    • No file name format required. Recommended: <first author surname>-<journal/conference abbreviation>-<year>.pdf
  2. Add bibtex info for the publication at the top of ./pubs/labs-pubs.bib:

    • For all publications: Add publication name, author names, year, and "note" attribute pointing to the pdf (just <filename>.pdf, not the entire path)
    • For journal publications: Add journal name, volume, issue number, and page numbers. DOI and other available identifying information is recommended, but not required
    • For conference and workshop publications: Add conference or workshop name (in the format of Proceedings of <conference-name-here>)
    • Note: Only add publication to the top of the bibtex document if it is a new publication. If it is not new, check the dates of the other publications and add yours in its correct chronological place in the document.
  3. Add both files into the git repo and verify appearance on the Globus Labs website within 5 minutes or so.

Running Locally for Testing




Steps are very similar to Linux (see above). First, make sure that jekyll is properly installed on your system. This will require installing Ruby and some other packages (information on how to do this can be found here).

Once jekyll is installed, run the following command in the root directory of the project:

jekyll serve --config _config.yml

