
Simple tool that queries the goeuro API for position suggestions based on name and prints them as csv

Primary LanguageJava


Simple tool that queries the goeuro API for position suggestions based on name and prints them as csv

Building it


  • Java 7
  • Maven

After checking out the project running mvn package will build the project. Fat jar will be created in the "target" subdirecotry as goeuro-csv-export-.jar

Running it

Run with "java -jar goeuro-csv-export-.jar " CSV export will be written to the console, so pipe it to a file if you want a file

Stuff that could be improved

  • Use slf4j/logback instead of System.err
  • The one test that is there depends on an external system being 100% reachable
  • No test coverage for App.java but there is barely any code