
The library based on Interfacelab/namespacer, which adds prefixes to the packages used by the composer, making them isolated.

Isolated-composer does the same, but modifies the application source code by adding the required namespaces. When using Isolated-composer, you will need to run ./Vendor/bin/isolated-composer with arguments (see below), which will patch your source code and dependencies (for example, when using CI).


You can install this globally, but I think you'd be better off using it as the basis of a project via composer.

composer require glook/isolated-composer


Once installed:

./vendor/bin/isolated-composer  [--composer COMPOSER] [--source SOURCE] [--package PACKAGE] [--namespace NAMESPACE] [--config CONFIG] [--vendor-dir vendor] <dest>

Usage with docker

You use isolated-composer without installing it as composer dependency. Just use this image glook/php-isolated-composer.

docker run --rm -it -v ${PWD}:/app \ --source /app \
    --package sample-prefix \
    --namespace SampleApp\\Vendor\\ \
    --no-dev \
    --vendor-dir vendor \


Argument Description
composer The path (full or relative) to the composer file containing all the package dependencies you want to renamespace. You must specify this argument OR the source argument.
source The path (full or relative) to a directory containing a composer file and an existing vendor directory. When using source the vendor directory must already exist (composer update must already have been run). You must specify this argument OR the composer argument.
package The prefix to append to package names, for example specifying --package mcloud will turn nesbot/carbon into mcloud-nesbot/carbon. Default is mcloud.
namespace The prefix to append to namespaces, for example specifying --namespace MediaCloud\Vendor will transform namespace Aws; into namespace MediaCloud\Vendor\Aws;. Default is MediaClound\Vendor.
config An optional PHP configuration file for inserting filters into the namespacing process.
no-dev Skip installing packages listed in require-dev. The autoloader generation skips the autoload-dev rules.
vendor-dir Name of folder where renamspaced packages will be stored (default: vendor)
quiet Do not output any message (not even the command result messages)
<dest> The destination directory. Namespacer will create a directory named vendor inside that directory, removing it first if it already exists.

For example, you might run it:

./vendor/bin/namespacer --composer sample.composer.json --config sample.config.php --package mypackage --namespace MyNamespace\Vendor build/

In this example, we're pointing to a composer.json file containing the packages we want to re-namespace and to a config file that contains filters that will apply more manual patches during the re-namespace process. The output of the processing will be put into the build/ folder.

Filtering (Patching in PHP-Scoper parlance)

You can see some example configurations in vendor/glook/isolated-composer/sample.config.php and vendor/glook/isolated-composer/patches.config.php that will demonstrate how to insert your own code into the namespacing process to catch special cases.

Reporting Bugs

If you run into issues, please open a ticket and attach the composer.json you were trying to process with a clear description of the problem.