
QMK Stuff

Primary LanguagePythonThe UnlicenseUnlicense


QMK Stuff

QMK related work

  • console.py: QMK console client based on hidapi
  • orgb_test.py: openrgb client for 1 fps solid color flashing effect
  • sonix_swd_flash.py: a sonix SWD flasher based on openocd. !!!DONT TRY THIS UNLESS U KNOW WHAT U R DOING!!!


sonix_swd_flash.py [start address] [size] [file] --openocd [host]:[ip]

*** address and size must be 64-byte multiples (page size)


// flash the jumploader python sonix_swd_flash.py 0 0x200 QMK_jumploader-gmmk_ansi_512.bin --openocd

// flash the 26x boot loader 0x7800~0x8000 python sonix_swd_flash.py 0x7800 0x800 26x_bootloader_0x7800.bin --openocd


  1. Faster (upload the flash code to SRAM)
  2. CRC check and verify

QMK Feature RAM table

Feature RAM Comment Idea
CONSOLE_ENABLE 216 OUT/IN CAP = 1 use RAW IN for console