#App Store Optimization Strategies

The strategies for Google Play and App Store are keeping update, following shows how they affact your ASO:

  • Searching algorithm updates can change your search result list ranking
  • Comments affect your app ranking in app list
  • Organic Increment helps your app ranking in app list
  • Keywords help your app been found in search result list ranking
  • Video and pictures displayed in the store can give your app a high ranking in app list

However, we can only change keywords, video and pictures to get a good ASO result.

##Google Play

###Putting main keyword in one-sentance-description

80 spots are available on your one-sentance-description to optimize your searching result and describe your app.

  • put your app name on your icon
  • use your app name for keyword

###Using your keywords 5 times in your app description

##App Store

###Putting Competitors' Keywords in your Keywords