
Preliminary data for Glossm

Primary LanguagePython


Preliminary data for Glossm. Please import csv files in ASK_for_glossm/ by following order.

  • TopicSet
  • Topic
  • Meaning
  • Language


ASK_preprocess/ contains codes for preprocessing the data from ASK REAL project.


  1. Install Praat.

Add the following line in ~/.bash_profile (see here for further details)

export PATH=$PATH:/Applications/Praat.app/Contents/MacOS
  1. Intall sfl2txt.

Run make in the ASK_preprocess/sfl2txt-current to install sfl2txt locally.

  1. Install ffmpeg.
brew install ffmpeg
  1. Install pydub locally.
git clone https://github.com/jiaaro/pydub.git

File directory convention

All raw data should be posited in raw/ directory, categorized by their language names as below.

| |____wav
| | |____07_Bashkir
| | | |____07_Bashkir_01.WAV
| | | |____07_Bashkir_02.WAV
| | | |____07_Bashkir_04.WAV
| | | |____...
| | |____07_Buryat02
| | | |____07_Buryat02_01.WAV
| | | |____07_Buryat02_02.WAV
| | | |____07_Buryat02_03.WAV
| | | |____...
| |____sfl
| | |____07_Bashkir
| | | |____07_Bashkir_01_mark#1#.sfl
| | | |____07_Bashkir_02_mark#1#.sfl
| | | |____07_Bashkir_03_mark#1#.sfl
| | | |____...
| | |____07_Buryat02
| | | |____07_Bashkir_01_mark#1#.sfl
| | | |____07_Bashkir_02_mark#1#.sfl
| | | |____07_Bashkir_03_mark#1#.sfl
| | | |____...