
This is my personal neovim config for yml and golang editor

Primary LanguageLua

Neovim Config

This is my private neovim config for development. Feel free to pick this up.


  • NerdTree
  • vim-go
  • coc
  • vim-plug : As the plugin manager
  • lua-language-server


  • One-dark pro
  • Cascadia-code NerdFont

Incoming changes

  • adding config for javascript (vue and react) development


  1. Clone this project, and then place it into this directory ~/.config/nvim. More clearer way to do it, you can check it on here
  2. Install vim-plug from this
  3. Then do the plug install command by :PlugInstall
  4. Last but not least is that dont't forget to install nodejs and neovim with python3
	brew install nodejs lua-language-server
	pip3 install neovim
  1. Run this command inside the neovim
    :CocInstall coc-json coc-go \
        coc-html coc-css \
        coc-tsserver coc-eslint coc-prettier \
        coc-pairs \
        | q

This are the Coc dependency autocompletion 6. Run this command for installing vim-go binary support

