
A slim clinicaltrials.gov parser (Yes, another one)

Primary LanguagePython

Clinical Trials dot Gov Simple Parser

This is a simple parser for XML generated by clinicaltrials.gov. This was started for usage as part of the Boston FHIR Dev Days


Using pip

pip install -e git+https://github.com/glow-mdsol/clinical_trials#egg=glow_mdsol_clinical_trials


from clinical_trials import ClinicalStudy

study = ClinicalStudy.from_nctid('NCT02348489')


Current status of Schema Support

Section Status
required_header [x]
id_info [x]
brief_title [x]
acronym [x]
official_title [x]
sponsors [x]
source [x]
oversight_info [x]
brief_summary partial - textblock needs better processing
detailed_description partial - textblock needs better processing
overall_status [x]
last_known_status [x]
why_stopped [x]
start_date [x]
completion_date [x]
primary_completion_date [x]
phase [x]
study_type [x]
has_expanded_access [x]
expanded_access_info [x]
study_design_info [x]
target_duration [x]
primary_outcome [x]
secondary_outcome [x]
other_outcome [x]
number_of_arms [x]
number_of_groups [x]
enrollment [x]
condition [x]
arm_group [x]
intervention [x]
biospec_retention [x]
biospec_descr [x]
eligibility [x]
overall_official [x]
overall_contact [x]
overall_contact_backup [x]
location [x]
location_countries [x]
removed_countries [x]
link [x]
reference [x]
results_reference [x]
verification_date [x]
study_first_submitted [x]
study_first_submitted_qc [x]
study_first_posted [x]
results_first_submitted [x]
results_first_submitted_qc [x]
results_first_posted [x]
disposition_first_submitted [x]
disposition_first_submitted_qc [x]
disposition_first_posted [x]
last_update_submitted [x]
last_update_submitted_qc [x]
last_update_posted [x]
responsible_party [x]
keyword [x]
condition_browse [x]
intervention_browse [x]
patient_data [x]
study_docs [x]
pending_results []
clinical_results []