
Map-My-Moments is a social media app that allows users to take and view photos from other users based on their current location. When a user takes a photo, a location is attached to that photo and enables other users who check-in to that location later on to access and like the photos.


  • Product Owner: Tegan Duong
  • Scrum Master: Bucko Perley
  • Development Team Members: Vince Boucherie, Jonathan Mah

Table of Contents

  1. Installation
    1. Meteor
    2. Mobile Integration
  2. Requirements
  3. File Structure: Directory Layout
  4. Setup
    1. Installing Dependencies
    2. Configure Keys
  5. Usage
  6. Helpful Links
  7. Contributing



Meteor supports OS X, Windows, and Linux, and is simple to install. The command line installer supports Mac OS X 10.7 (Lion) and above, and Linux on x86 and x86_64 architectures. The Windows installer supports Windows 7, Windows 8.1, Windows 10, Windows Server 2008, and Windows Server 2012.

On OS X or Linux?

Install the latest official Meteor release from your terminal:

curl | sh

On Windows? Go here for further instructions

Mobile Integration

In addition to running in the browser, our app also runs on the mobile iOS and Android platforms. To setup mobile integration, go here.


  • Meteor 1.3
  • Node 4.4.2
  • React ^15.0.0

File Structure: Directory Layout

client/                             # client entry point, imports all client code
  routes.jsx                        # set up all routes in the app

    google-keys.js                  # configure google API key
    posts.js                        # definition of the Posts collection and methods related to posts
    utils.js                        # utility function used in MapContainer.jsx
    components/                     # all reusable components in the application
      NewsFeed.jsx                  # presentational component that renders posts
      NewsFeedEntry.jsx             # renders a single post within NewsFeed
      PhotoViewer.js                # renders a single post upon marker click in MapDisplay
    containers/                     # handle and pass data into UI components via props
      MapContainer.jsx              # wrapper component that passes data to MapDisplay
      NewsFeedContainer.jsx         # wrapper component that passes data to NewsFeed
    App.jsx                         # layout component for whole app
    Signin.jsx                      # configure login template


  main.js                           # server entry point, imports all server code
  settings.js                       # configure google login settings

bootstrap.css                       # styling for app
config.json                         # AWS configuration keys


Installing Dependencies

Clone this repo to your local work station and from within the root directory:

meteor npm install

Configure Keys

Google API Key

  • Setup a Google API key
  • Create a new file to store this key in: imports/api/google-keys.js
  • Copy and paste this into your google-keys.js file:

Amazon AWS S3 Access Key

  • Setup a AWS Access Key for S3
  • Create a new file to store this key in: config.json
  • Copy and paste this into your config.json file:
  "AWSRegion": "us-west-1",
  "AWSSecretAccessKey": "ACCESS_SECRET_HERE"
  • Modify the S3 bucket [mapmymoments] CORS configuration to:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<CORSConfiguration xmlns="">


Once the dependencies are installed and configuration keys are setup, you can start the application with:

meteor run --settings=config.json

Open your web browser and go to http://localhost:3000 to see the app running.

Configure Google Login

Now that the app is open on the browser, you should see a "Configure Google Login" button after clicking on the "Sign in" dropdown. Clicking on the "Configure Google Login" button will display a set of instructions that you should follow. After retrieving your Client ID and Client secret, copy and paste them in server/settings.js:

  { service: "google" },
    $set: {
      clientId: "CLIENT_ID_HERE",
      loginStyle: "popup",
      secret: "CLIENT_SECRET_HERE"

Helpful Links


See for contribution guidelines.