
v0.5.1 dependency (needs HA Core 2023.3.2)

bcutter opened this issue · 3 comments

For which reason is HA Core 2023.3.2 set as minimum version for v0.5.1?

Any dependency/feature only available starting with exactly that version of HA?

Or just a release typo for HACS?


gluap commented

@bcutter I just noticed that I hadn't upped the requirement version for years (Requirement previously was still on 0.99) and since the changes introduced by t-animal in #28 were making use of some "newer" stuff (didn't know how new exactly), I put the version I tested it with as requirement - that's the only version I know it works with.

So the reason is: I tested it with that version, and I was quite sure that the previous version requirement was too old for the code.

OK. So we don't know exactly which HA Core version is technically needed but 2023.3.2 is pretty safe as that's the (only) one it was tested with.

That means it will take a few more weeks until I can test the 0.5.1 beta release and provide feedback as first HA Core needs to get updated. I don't like those dependencies where the desire for one component forces one to update other parts, but that's how HA works right 😀 And probably time for an update after 3 smooth months 💁‍♂️

gluap commented

TBH I thought that people installing beta versions would be running the bleeding edge of homeassistant anyhow so I hadn't thought about it being a potential blocker for a pre-release. I reduced the requirement a little now and keep it in mind for the future.