
This Angular component was created to show you how to calculate insulin dose with as little effort as possible.

Primary LanguageTypeScript


This Angular component was created to show you how to calculate insulin dose with as little effort as possible.

This tool can never replace a professional medical advice.


First you need to install the npm module.

npm install @vicentecalfo/ngx-insulin-calculator


1. Import the module

import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';
import { AppRoutingModule } from './app-routing.module';
import { AppComponent } from './app.component';
import { InsulinCalculatorModule } from '@vicentecalfo/ngx-insulin-calculator';

  declarations: [
  imports: [
  providers: [],
  bootstrap: [AppComponent]
export class AppModule { }

2. Use the component


3. Change Styles

::ng-deep.ic-calculator {
	width: 450px;
    font-family: 'Raleway', sans-serif;
    display: block;
    margin:0 auto;
      font-weight: 900;

3.1 HTML Class anatomy

Class name Description
ic-calculator Wraps the entire component.
ic-step Represents a section of the calculator.
ic-title Section title.
ic-field Represents the entire row of a calculator field.
ic-label Field label.
ic-input Input field.
ic-measure Unit of measure field.
round-top Round the top corners.
round-bottom Round the bottom corners.

HTML markup structure.

<div class="ic-calculator round-top round-bottom">
  <div class="ic-step">
    <span class="ic-title round-top">
      Sensitivy factor 
    <div class="ic-field">
      <div class="ic-label">
        Total daily insulin dose 
      <div class="ic-input">
        <input type="number" min="0" value="18"/>
      <div class="ic-measure">
      <!-- others fields --->
    <!-- others steps --->

4. API reference

4.1 Properties

Name Description Default value
@Input() targetGlucose: number Target blood glucose in mg/dL. 100
@Input() sensitivityFactorConst: number Constant used for the calculation of insulin sensitivity factor. See "Rule of 1800". 1800
@Input() mealBolusConst: number Constant used for the calculation of the carbohydrate ratio. See "Rule of 500". 500
@Input() labels JSON structure for i18n. See JSON structure.
@Output() valuesChange: InsulinCalculatorOutput Event emitted for each value changed in the calculator fields with all updated values. See output structure.

JSON structure for i18n.

	sensitivityFactor: {
  	title: 'Sensitivy factor',
		label: 'Total daily insulin dose',
		measure: 'units'
	correctionBolus: {
	  title: 'Correction bolus',
		currentGlucose: {
			label: 'Current blood glucose',
			measure: 'mg/dL'
		targetGlucose: {
			label: 'Target blood glucose',
			measure: 'mg/dL'
		sensitivityFactor: {
			label: 'Insulin sensitivity factor',
			measure: 'mg/dL'
		result: {
			label: 'Insulin dose',
			measure: 'units'
	mealBolus: {
		title: 'Meal bolus',
		intakeCarbs: {
			label: 'Intake carbs',
			measure: 'g'
		carbRatio: {
			label: 'Carb ratio',
			measure: 'g'
		result: {
			label: 'Insulin dose',
			measure: 'units'
	totalResult: {
		title: 'Total insulin dose',
		label: 'Meal + Correction bolus',
		measure: 'units'

Output structure.

	dailyInsulinDose: 18,
	intakeCarbs: 60,
	carbRatio: 28,
	mealBolus: 2,
	currentGlucose: 120,
	targetGlucose: 100,
	sensitivityFactor: 100,
	correctionBolus: 0,
	totalDosage: 2

5. Calculator inputs

Field Description
Total daily insulin dose The daily dose of insulin is used to calculate the carbohydrate ratio and then calculate the correction bolus and meal bolus.
Intake carbohydrate Total grams of carbohydrates to be eaten.
Carbohydrate ratio This is how many grams of carbohydrates are covered by one unit of insulin.
Meal bolus It is the amount (in units) of ultra-fast insulin needed to cover the grams of carbohydrates.
Current blood glucose Your current blood glucose concentration in mg/dL.
Target blood glucose Your target blood glucose concentration in mg/dL.
Correction bolus It is the amount (in units) of insulin needed to reduce glucose to the target.
Insulin sensitivity factor The insulin sensitivity factor tells you how many points, in mg/dL, your blood glucose will drop for each unit of insulin that you take.

6. Insulin calculator service

First, inject the service into the component.

constructor(private insulinCalculator: InsulinCalculatorService){}

6.1 Methods

Method Description Return
sensitivityFactorCalc(dailyInsulineDose: number, constant = 1800) Calculates the value of the insulin sensitivity factor. Number (in mg/dL)
correctionBolusCalc(currentGlucose: number, targetGlucose: number, sensitivityFactor: number) Calculates the correction bolus. Number (insulin units)
mealBolusCalc(intakeCarbs: number,dailyInsulineDose: number,constant = 500) Calculates the meal bolus. { carbCoveragePerUnit (carb ratio in mg/dL), mealBolus (insulin units) }
mealBolusDefaultCalc(intakeCarbs: number, defaultCarbCoverage = 15) Calculates the meal bolus by default carb coverage { carbCoveragePerUnit (carb ratio in mg/dL), mealBolus (insulin units) }
convertMgdlToMmoll(mgdlValue: number, constant = 18) Convert milligrams per deciliter to millimoles per liter Number (in mmol/L)
convertMmollToMgdl(mmollValue: number, constant = 18) Convert millimoles per liter to milligrams per deciliter Number (in mg/dL)

7. Notice

This tool can never replace a professional medical advice.