Format Fluentd records as Logstash events and re-emit.
The re-emitted record conforms to logstash's 'json_event' format and is mapped from the original record in the following fashion:
'@timestamp' =>,
'@type' => resolve_logstash_type(tag, conf['logstash_type']),
'@fields'=> conf['logstash_fields'].as_dict + record.without('message'),
'@tags' => conf['logstash_tags'].split(' '),
'@message' => record['message'] if record.include? 'message',
<match **>
type logstash
tag some.tag # override the tag or,
remove_prefix raw # remove prefix from tag
add_prefix logstash # add prefix to tag
logstash_type "%{final}" # use the final value of the tag as logstash event type
# valid directives: %{original} %{removed} %{added} %{final}
logstash_tags "add_me as_tags"
logstash_fields "add_this_field_name as_field_value another_field with_value"