
This tool bundles various gcloud and bash commands necessary to encrypt and decrypt secrets. The tool is designed to be used with either cloud shell in the GCP console or with a local installation of the gcloud tool and the necessary local keyfiles.

The recommended path is to use the GCP console to avoid managing a local environment and toolchain.


  • A GCP KMS Key in the project where you're encrypting or decrypting secrets.
  • Permission to use the roles/cloudkms.cryptoKeyEncrypterDecrypter role within the relevant project.
  • The secret values to encrypt or ciphertext to decrypt.


encrypting secrets

Use the following command to encrypt a secret, replacing myPassword with the plaintext secret value you would like to encrypt.

curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/GlueOps/gcp-kms-encrypt-and-decrypt/main/gked.sh | bash -s -- -a encrypt -t 'myPassword'

NB Use single quotes when passing in secrets to avoid special characters being interpreted by bash.

decrypting secrets

Use the following command to decrypt ciphertext, replacing CiQA5s3H.... with the ciphertext you would like to decrypt.

 curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/GlueOps/gcp-kms-encrypt-and-decrypt/main/gked.sh | bash -s -- -a decrypt -t 'CiQA5s3H....'