
SQL API for creating PostgreSQL GIN index opclasses

Primary LanguagePLpgSQL


API for creating PostgreSQL GIN index opclasses using plain SQL or PL/XXX instead of C

Opclass creation

To create a GIN operator class for type foo with storage type entry_type you need to:

  1. Define opclass with your operators and generic support functions gin_sql_xxx() from this extension. These support functions written in C will call your support functions written in SQL or PL/XXX.
  STORAGE entry_type,
  FUNCTION 2 gin_sql_extract_value,
  FUNCTION 3 gin_sql_extract_query,
  FUNCTION 5 gin_sql_compare_partial,
  FUNCTION 6 gin_sql_triconsistent_expr,
  FUNCTION 7 gin_sql_options,
  OPERATOR 1 @@(foo, query_type_1),
  OPERATOR 2 @@@(foo, query_type_2),
  1. Define your extract_value() support function for extracting entries from indexed value:
CREATE FUNCTION foo_ops_extract_value(indexed_value foo) RETURNS entry_type[] ...;
  1. Define your extract_query_N() support functions for each operator #N:
CREATE FUNCTION foo_ops_extract_query_N(
  query query_type_N,
  OUT entries entry_type[],
  OUT partial_match partial_match_type_N[],
  OUT expr query_int,
  OUT recheck
  • entries argument is mandatory, other output arguments can be omitted or be NULL.
  • partial_match_type is an arbitrary type, elements of partial_match will be passed to compare_partial_N().
  • expr is a logical expression built on entry numbers (see contrib/intarray).
  • recheck is a flag showing that index is lossy and original operator should be executed fot each row found by index.
  1. (Optional) Define your compare_partial_N() support functions for each operator #N, if extract_query_N() returns non-NULL partial_match[]:
CREATE FUNCTION foo_ops_extract_query_N(
  index entry_type,
  query entry_type,
  partial_match partial_match_type_N
) RETURNS bool ...;

This is typically used for range queries.

If partial_match[i] is non-NULL, then GIN B-tree is scanned starting from entries[i], and compare_partial_N() is called for each found entry index. Scan continues until FALSE is returned.

  • entries[i] is passed as query.
  • partial_match[i] is passed as partial_match, it can be used to pass upper bound and lower/upper bound's inclusion flags.

Return value:

  • TRUE -- index entry matches
  • FALSE -- index entry does not match, stop scan
  • NULL -- index entry does not match, continue scan

Index creation

The opclass name, used as a prefix for support function names, should be passed to opclass as a parameter:

CREATE INDEX ON foo_tab USING gin (foo_column foo_ops(opclass_name = 'foo_ops'));


See examples in regression file sql/gin_sql_api.sql.


  • Opclass parameter opclass_schema for specifying schema of support functions
  • Passing of custom opclass parameters to support functions