
Creates CI pipeline from a json configuration file

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Declare jenkins pipelines using a json configuration file.

try it out

This uses an example configuration of this project to demo features, it expects that you have golang installed:

  • clone this project
  • run make example
  • adjust the file Pipeline.example to point to your test jenkins server
  • execute ./ppl-example create -- repeat until no errors are reported (it'll complain on missing jenkins plugins which you will need to install)
  • open url that is displayed
  • either wait ~1 minute or trigger the job called test-pipeline by hand and go back to the pipeline view
  • in order to delete the pipeline and its jobs again call ./ppl-example delete test-pipeline

configuration file format

the configuration for this pipeline:


looks as follows:

    "stages": [
            "name": "stage0",
            "jobs": [
                { "job0": {"cmd": "echo 'job0'; mv spec spec2", "artifacts": ["spec2/"] } },
                { "job1": "echo 'job1'; find ." }
            "next-stages": [ "stage1" ]
            "name": "stage1",
            "jobs": [
                { "job2": {"cmd": "echo 'job2'; cp -a spec spec1; cp -a spec spec2", "artifacts": ["spec1/","spec2/"] } },
                    { "job4": {"cmd": "echo 'job4'; mv spec1 spec3", "artifacts": ["spec3/"]} },
                    { "job5": {"cmd": "echo 'job5'; mv spec2 spec4", "artifacts": ["spec4/"]} }
            "next-stages": [ "stage2" ]
            "name": "stage2",
            "jobs": [
                    { "job7": {"cmd": "echo 'job7'", "no-clean": true} },
                    { "job8": "echo 'job8'" }
            "next-stages": [ "stage3" ]
            "name": "stage3",
            "jobs": [
                    { "job10": {"cmd": "echo 'job10'", "artifacts": ["art1"]} },
                    { "job11": {"cmd": "echo 'job11'", "artifacts": ["art2"]} }
                { "job12": "echo notify" }
            "next-stages": [ "stage4", "stage5" ]
            "name": "stage4",
            "jobs": [
                { "job13": {"cmd": "echo 'job13'", "manual": true} }
            "name": "stage5",
            "jobs": [
                { "job14": "echo 'job14'" },
                { "job15": "echo 'job15'" }
    "settings": {
        "jenkins-server": "http://jenkins:8080",
        "git-url": "http://github.com/kesselborn/tuev",
        "slave-label": "master",
        "working-dir": "subdir",
        "job-setup": "export VAR=foobar"

stages section

The stages section contains an array of stages declarations that contain the following properties:

  • name: the name of the stage

  • jobs: an array of job declarations with the following format:

    • simple job declaration: name / command:

      {"<jobname>": "<command>"}
    • extended job declaration:

      {"<jobname>": {"cmd": "<command>", "<option1>": "<option1-value>", "<option2>": "option2-value"}, ... }

    with the following options being available:

    artifacts: an array of strings with artifacts (files or directories) that should be passed to the next job. If the next job is a multi job, all sub-jobs will have the listed artifacts available. If several sub-jobs of a multi-job (see below) provide artifacts, the next job after the multi job will have all artifacts of all sub jobs available: in the example, job7 and job8 (sub-jobs of a multi-job) will receive the artifacts spec3/ and spec4/ from sub-jobs job4 and job5.

    upstream-jobs: an array of strings with job names that should trigger this pipeline after they have a successful new build downstream-jobs: an array of strings with job names that should be triggered when this pipeline was built successfully

    test-reports: comma separated set of paths to junit test reports (wildcards like *.xml allowed)

    no-clean: if set to true, the workspace will not be cleaned before starting the job (default is to always clear workspace -- us this if you would like to cache dependencies or build artifacts between builds)

    manual (bool): if set to true, this job needs to be triggered manually by a user using the jenkins ui -- if omitted or set to false, job gets triggered automatically by its upstream jobs

    localBranch (bool): if set to true this job will check out to a local branch specified in settings

    • multi job: an array of simple or extended job declarations (see stage1 / job4 & job5 in example above). Those jobs will be executed in parallel:

      [<simple-job-decl>,<ext-job-decl>,<simple-job-decl>, ...]
  • next-stages (optional): next stages to execute when this stage has been executed successfully

settings section

This section contains global settings for the pipeline:

  • jenkins-server: base url to the jenkins server
  • git-url: git url to the project that is to be built
  • git-branch: set this if you want to build a different branch to master
  • slave-label (optional): only execute these jobs on jenkins slave with this label
  • job-setup (optional): before executing each job, execute the code provided here
  • silent (optional): if set to true, don't send notification mails -- if omitted or false, sent mails
  • default-name (optional): optionally, define how your pipeline should be named here; this property will be available on
  • working-dir (optional): only consider the given subdir: only builds if the subdir contains changes; changes into the subdir before executing anything, i.e. all commands are relativ to the subdir, not the repository's root


This library aims to adhere to Semantic Versioning 2.0.0. Violations of this scheme should be reported as bugs. Specifically, if a minor or patch version is released that breaks backward compatibility, that version should be immediately yanked and/or a new version should be immediately released that restores compatibility. Breaking changes to the public API will only be introduced with new major versions.


Copyright (c) 2014 Daniel Bornkessel

See LICENSE for details.