
Primary LanguageJavaScriptBSD 2-Clause "Simplified" LicenseBSD-2-Clause


This repository discusses the internal working for running JavaFX applications inside a browser. The code and instructions here are targeting developers who want to contribute to JavaFX on the Web. A number of steps are required to achieve this, and while the goal is to automate all these steps and integrate them into Gluon Substrate, we want developers to experiment with the components and show the current state.

If you are looking for examples showing how to use JavaFX inside a web browser, please have a look at https://github.com/gluonhq/gluon-samples/tree/master/HelloWeb


These instructions are for contributors or the brave developers who want to combine different worlds (JavaFX, AOT, WebGL). They are by no means a tutorial or how-to guide.


A number of components are required:

  • bck2brwsr
  • openjfx
  • uongl


Master repo: https://github.com/jtulach/bck2brwsr

We are working on getting all required changes upstream without reducing the quality of upstream. For now, the develop branch in https://github.com/johanvos/bck2brwsr can be used. It has a few diffs with upstream that we are looking on how to deal with.

Build with mvn install

This will install the bck2brwsr jars in your local maven repository.


Master repo: https://github.com/openjdk/jfx

The required changes for Web deployement are in the promise branch in https://github.com/johanvos/jfx

Build with gradlew sdk

This will build the jars and put them in build/sdk/lib .

The resources directory of this repository contains a snapshot of those jars in case you don't want to build them yourself.

Those jars are tagged and deployed to the Gluon Nexus repository. For example, the tag t0813181438 corresponds to the version 18-internal+0-2021-08-13-181438 which is used in the pom.xml


Master repo: https://github.com/gluonhq/uongl

This is Gluon's WebGL implementation for the JavaFX rendering pipeline. It contains a jar dealing with JavaFX specific threading issues, and a javascript file (uongl.js) which implements the native JavaFX methods leveraging WebGL. A snapshot of this javascript file is in the resources directory of this repository. The jar file is in maven central.

Running the HelloFX sample

This is in the samples/hellofx directory. Replace <aotpath>PATH/TO/JAVAFX_LIBS</aotpath>

with the path where the JavaFX libs are, either the ones you built yourself, or the ones in the resources/javafx dir of this project.

Replace <aotpath.compat>PATH/TO/COMPAT_JARS</aotpath.compat> with the path where the compat jars are.

Build with

mvn install bck2brwsr:aot

Copy index.html and uongl.js to the target directory. Open a browser and move to that page.