How to setup

  1. Create postgres pod, service and persistent volume with configuration postgres.yaml:
    kubectl create -f kube/postgres.yaml
  2. Package application into jar:
    ./gradlew clean build
  3. Create image of application:
    docker build -t docker-boot .
  4. Create pod with deployment config for spring boot application with configuration sp-deployment.yaml:
    kubectl create -f kube/sp-deployment.yaml
  5. Expose service for created deployment kube-boot: kubectl expose deployment kube-boot --type=LoadBalancer --port=8080
  6. Get external url of kube-boot service: minikube service docker-boot --url
  7. Copy url with port that you get on previous stage and insert it in browser. You should see Hello World! profile: prod


If your pod didn't start and stay in status ErrImagePull, then execute in terminal eval $(minikube docker-env). This command will point your docker client to your machine's docker daemon. To undo that execute eval $(minikube docker-env -u).

To check logs of starting of your spring boot, get your pod name from your cluster(ex. kube-boot-697fdf6ff4-jb6qc) and execute command kubectl logs <YOUR_POD_NAME>