
YouTube playlist printing, sorting, etc.

Primary LanguageRustMIT LicenseMIT

YouTube playlist manager

Note: this application is no longer needed for its original purpose since we switched to using a YouTube channel as our main user interface. We no longer need to sort or maintain a playlist for catch-up purposes. Therefore this repository will be archived.

You can use this command line application to manage a YouTube playlist, print out its contents, sort it into a reasonable order, and remove unwanted entries.

The application is intended for use with a YouTube playlist which contains both streamed videos and scheduled streams. Sorting the playlist will move all the streamed videos to the top, in reverse chronological order (newest first). This makes it simple for the audience to "catch up" with the latest video in the playlist. If a new stream is created from an existing video in the playlist, the new stream is added to the same playlist, which can then be sorted if necessary using this application.

Removing unwanted entries removes older streamed videos leaving at most a given number present. It also removes invalid videos, such as any which have been deleted.

When you run the application, it will occasionally launch a web browser to gain the necessary authorisation to access or modify the playlist. Choose a suitable account and follow the instructions in the browser to give the application permission. Note that the browser will be launched once to read the playlist and again to modify the playlist. The permissions will be cached on disk and reused, but may expire, in which case the application will launch the web browser again. To make all this possible, you need to create and download a client ID file, as described in the next section.

Authentication and authorisation

The application uses an OAuth2 client ID to access the YouTube API. Read the instructions for how to create a client ID and download a file containing the client ID and its private key (follow the steps below). Specify the path to this client ID file using the --client switch.


  1. Open the Google API Console and ensure Dashboard is selected in the navigation list on the left.
  2. Use the project drop-down at the top to create a new project called, for example, playlist-manager.
  3. Click + ENABLE APIS AND SERVICES, search for YouTube, select YouTube Data API v3, and click ENABLE.
  4. After clicking ENABLE, while still in the YouTube Data API v3 section of the console, click CREATE CREDENTIALS.
  5. Select YouTube Data API v3 for the credential type and ensure User data is selected for access. Click NEXT.
  6. Fill in the application information. For example, name the application playlist-manager, choose a user support email, and, optionally, an app logo image. Enter your email address under developer contact information. Click SAVE AND CONTINUE.
  7. Click ADD OR REMOVE SCOPES, filter on YouTube, select the scopes youtube.readonly, youtube, and youtubepartner, and click UPDATE. Click SAVE AND CONTINUE.
  8. Under OAuth Client ID, choose application type Desktop app, and name the client ID e.g. playlist manager client. Click CREATE.
  9. Click DOWNLOAD and save the client ID file to disk. (This is technically called a client secret file, although it's not particularly sensitive.)
  10. After downloading the client ID file, click OAuth consent screen page, click ADD USERS, and enter the email address(es) of users you want to authorise to use the application.

Command line interface

Run the application like this in a terminal on macOS or Linux:

playlist-manager <playlist-id> --client=/path/to/client_id.json

and like this in a command prompt or powershell on Windows:

playlist-manager.exe <playlist-id> --client=/path/to/client_id.json

Add the parameter --help for more information on the other parameters you can specify.

Manual alternative

You can use the YouTube web interface to edit a playlist and manually drag its contents into the desired order. You can remove excess entries. But you can't remove certain invalid videos, such as those which have been deleted, since these are hidden in the web interface.

Developer information

The application is written in Rust. Install Rust using rustup.

To run the unit tests, clone this repository and issue the following command from the root directory of the clone:

cargo test

To create a release, push a new tag of the form vn.n.n (e.g. v0.1.2) to this repository and a release will be created and binaries compiled for Windows, macOS, and Linux.

Pull requests are welcome.