
Simple todolist on the Cloudflare platform

Primary LanguageVue


Terraform-built infrastructure

This app requires some Cloudflare infrastructure, all of which is created using Terraform:

  1. A KV namespace.
  2. A Cloudflare Pages project, tied to this repo with a binding to the KV Namespace from (1).
  3. A custom domain whose traffic is sent the static website from (2).
  4. The static website also contains a number of functions which are served out by Cloudflare Workers on the /api/* route.

Data model

As we only have simple KeyValue store and the Cloudflare KV.list() operation only returns the keys (not the values), the data model packs some data into the key.

key value metadata
1681893518478 null {"time":"2023-04-19T08:38:38.478Z","title":"Grapes","description":"Big ones"}
1681894657902 null {"time":"2023-04-19T08:57:37.902Z","title":"Lemonade","description":"Cloudy"}
1681897942565 null {"time":"2023-04-19T09:52:22.565Z","title":"Bread","description":"French stick"}

The keys is a timestamp. This allows us to get time-ordered list of todo titles with just the KV.list() function. The value is left blank because we're able to fit everything in the metadata object which has to be < 1kB, but does come back from the KV.list function.


All methods that change data or pass parameters use the POST method and expect an application/json content type. All API endpoints require a valid apikey header or you will get a 401 response.

Add a todo - POST /api/add_todo


  • title - the title of the todo (required)
  • description - additional description


curl -X POST -H'Content-type:application/json' -H'apikey: abc123' -d'{"title":"Milk","description":"semi-skimmed"}' "https://$URL/api/add_todo" 

Get a single todo - POST /api/get_todo


  • id - the id of the todo (required)


curl -X POST -H'Content-type:application/json' -H'apikey: abc123' -d'{"id":"1681482390981:Milk"}' "https://$URL/api/get_todo"

List multiple todos - POST /api/list_todos


  • n/a


curl -X POST -H'Content-type:application/json' -H'apikey: abc123' "https://$URL/api/list_todos"

Delete a todo - POST /api/delete_todo


  • id - the id of the todo to delete (required)
curl -X POST -H'Content-type:application/json' -H'apikey: abc123' -d'{"id":"1681482390981:Milk"}' "https://$URL/api/delete_todo"


The Cloudflare Worker platform will only accept a single JavaScript file per worker. When you have multiple workers, there is a tendency for them to share data: constants, library functions etc. It is anathema to developers to repeat code across files so what is the solution?

  • write code in the normal way, with centralised "lib" files containing code or data that is shared.
  • use import statements in each worker file to import data from the files
  • use the rollup utility to pre-process each worker JS file prior to uploading.

This produces files in the /functions/api folder which are those picked up by Cloudflare and turned into Workers.

e.g. in lib/somefile.js

export const someFunction = () => {
  return true  

And in your worker JS file:

import { someFunction } from './lib/somefile.js'

And roll up with:

# create a distributable file in the 'dist' folder based on the source file
npx rollup --format=es --file=dist/add_todo.js -- add_todo.js

We can also "minify" the rolled up files to make them smaller, but this does change variable names to single-letter names which makes debugging tricky:

# create a minified distributable file in the 'dist' folder based on the source file
npx rollup -p @rollup/plugin-terser --format=es --file=../functions/api/add_todo.js -- add_todo.js


There are number of options:

  1. Routes - for each worker, attach a URL to it. This requires us to set up a DNS CNAME that is proxied by Cloudflare so that Cloudflare can intercept the traffic. One "route" is required for each worker.
  2. Custom Domains - Cloudflare allows you to set up a custom domain e.g. something.glynnnbird.com which gets routed to a single worker. This worker can do all of the housekeeping and the invoke the right worker to handle the request. This is a simpler approach because it automatically brings the CNAME under Terraform control and plumbs it into the Worker.
  3. Cloudflare Pages Workers - hosting the static site and the API on the same domain. This is easier as you don't need CORS.

Using itty-router

If you're making a complex API with lots of methods and parameterised paths like /todo/:id then it makes sense to use itty-router which is Cloudflare Worker compatible and gives you an Express-like interface.

I did get it working but found that params didn't get passed down to bound workers properly. I gave up in the end.

If I ever come back to it, remember that you need to do npm install --save-dev @rollup/plugin-node-resolve first. This allows rollup to bundle in Node.js dependencies with your own JavaScript files.