
Shared ESLint plugin/config used by me (chin98edwin)

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

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  • A shared ESLint plugin/config used by me; they are used in many of my open source projects and is a pain to copy-paste the long configs every time, so I made it into a package instead.
  • The configs assume the project using it are written in TypeScript, but they should work just fine with plain JavaScript in most circumstances.
  • It is named eslint-plugin, not eslint-config because I might be adding custom rules to this package in the future. So calling it "plugin" would be more appropriate in the long run.


  • The compilation of rules are just my personal preferences.
  • There might be drastic changes in the configs from one version to another, and this applies for all future versions until this package reaches a stable version.


With NPM:

npm i -D @glyphcat/eslint-plugin

With Yarn:

yarn add -D @glyphcat/eslint-plugin


You can extend from one of the two available configs:

// .eslintrc.js
module.exports = {
  extends: [

    // For developing websites and apps:

    // For maintaining libraries:
    // (Same as '/recommended', but warnings are treated as errors)


Known Issues & Ways Around Them

In some cases, you may get errors like this:

ESLint couldn't determine the plugin "import" uniquely.

Even with enough expertise in the NPM/Yarn/NodeJS ecosystem, you might be able to solve it once before receiving the same error for another plugin.

Below are some approaches you can try to get around this problem. They are not guaranteed to work, but should increase your odds in solving this problem.

1. Use Yarn resolutions

This ESLint guide explains how to resolve package conflicts by adding a resolution property to your project's package.json.

2. Update ESLint Plugin Dependencies

Update any dependencies related to ESLint to the latest versions available (along with this one).

I will try to update this package as often as possible so that any plugins that this package depends on stays up to date.

For example, your project might be using eslint-config-next.

Under the hood, both eslint-config-next and @glyphcat/eslint-plugin uses eslint-plugin-import.

When they depend on different versions of eslint-plugin-import, this causes the error "ESLint couldn't determine the plugin "import" uniquely." to appear.

If the latest versions of eslint-config-next and @glyphcat/eslint-plugin depend the same version of eslint-plugin-import, updating the packages would solve the error.

3. Pray

If all else fails, contact the authors of the related plugin libraries and pray that the depended libraries can be updated soon so that you can resolve the issue with Method #2.

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