
Primary LanguageShell


Alacritty + tmux

Additional keyboard shortcuts:

Action Keyboard shortcut Notes
Prefix Ctrl+a
New window Ctrl+Shift+t Via Alacritty, doesn't work if multiple tmux sessions are open
Move window left Ctrl+Shift+, Via Alacritty, see above
Move window right Ctrl+Shift+. Via Alacritty, see above
Scroll-Up Ctrl+Shift+PageUp Q/Esc/Return to exit copy-mode
Scroll-Down Ctrl+Shift+PageDown Q/Esc/Return to exit copy-mode

tmux cheatsheet

Action Command
Create new session tmux new -s <session-name>
List sessions tmux list-sessions/tmux ls
Attach to session tmux attach-session -t <target-session>/tmux a -t <target-session>
Kill session tmux kill-session -t <target-session>


Back and forth reverse-i-search: echo "stty -ixon" >> ~/.bashrc