- 4
[Bug] Bar wont be at top z order
#135 opened by GerardPolloRebozado - 0
[Bug] media always null?
#175 opened by gustaphe - 0
- 0
[Feature Request] brightness provider
#173 opened by DreamMaoMao - 15
[Bug] Displaying GlazeWM workspaces is not working.
#172 opened by vapmKK - 4
[Feature Request] Add acrylic background option for Windows or backdrop blur options.
#123 opened by DonHeidi - 1
[Feature Request] Volume/sound provider
#127 opened by marzeq - 2
[Bug] Audio provider not working
#169 opened by Ajay-056 - 2
- 0
[Bug] "Config option to dock Zebar windows to monitor edge" not working when combined with GlazeWM
#168 opened by Gerben-T - 2
[Feature Request] Customizable widget window title
#142 opened by Gerben-T - 7
- 0
[Bug] error "Unable to find your web assets, did you forget to build your web app?"
#166 opened by Gerben-T - 0
- 0
- 0
- 0
- 1
- 1
[Bug] Printing ip.adress leads to panick
#147 opened by michidk - 1
[Bug] The bar contents don't load sometimes after switching dual-monitor setup on Windows
#145 opened by kurushimee - 1
[Bug] After uninstallation I still see zebar taskbars
#148 opened by maku - 0
[Feature Request] Plugin for CORS
#146 opened by Gerben-T - 1
[Feature Request] Add Proxy Support
#140 opened by Ponti17 - 3
[Feature Request] Window Title provider
#80 opened by aleDsz - 1
[Bug] Zebar is active, but doesn't show
#134 opened by Doom-Git - 3
[Feature Request] Offline caching of assets
#130 opened by liango2 - 5
- 4
[Bug] netsh's output is localized and causes missing SSID & signal strength on non-English systems
#96 opened by Lilith-In-Starlight - 1
- 0
- 4
[Feature Request] runCommand function for Komorebi
#121 opened by joncrangle - 2
[Bug] The bar doesn't display widgets
#124 opened by Astach - 0
[Feature Request] Hyprland support
#100 opened by senseab - 6
- 3
- 7
- 10
[Bug] Monitor bar dont show on second monitor when second monitor is on top
#116 opened by RodrigoValente97 - 6
[Bug] move zebar potitions
#112 opened by answerwar - 1
4k monitor bars not displaying properly, small height | Windows
#115 opened by piush-terminalwitchcraft - 1
[Bug] Zebar doesnt show workspaces with Komorebi provider. Panic calling unwrap() on Err
#89 opened by 0xjairo - 1
- 2
- 8
[Bug] [arm64] Opening Laptop from Sleep or Hibernation Breaks Workspace Numbers
#102 opened by JaylenIsGone - 2
- 3
[Bug] Zebar dont open on Windows 11
#98 opened by JimmyXD2 - 7
[Bug] Workspace buttons unresponsive
#87 opened by jacobduijzer - 7
[Bug] Property 'width' in config isn't valid.
#103 opened by michidk - 2
- 0
- 2
[Bug] Zebar freezes after Windows sleep
#86 opened by irosyadi