- 1
Misleading error when LoadError in custom app.rb
#145 opened by vass-david - 0
Default theme should fallback to native font stack
#174 opened by gma - 5
current_item? helper fails when mounted at /path
#112 opened by gma - 1
The :textile Haml filter doesn't work any more
#190 opened by gma - 2
- 1
Remove support for loading local plugins
#166 opened by gma - 1
Make a theme using Tufte CSS
#172 opened by gma - 4
Google Analytics Update
#193 opened by etc - 3
- 2
Configure how Tilt renders pages
#146 opened by gma - 3
Clash with Tilt 2.2.0
#197 opened by etc - 4
Question: ERB support
#196 opened by olimart - 7
Simple admin panel or online markdown editor?
#163 opened by chriso0710 - 0
- 5
Nesta ignores theme’s .slim templates
#144 opened by agarzola - 0
Remove hgroup tag from default theme
#169 opened by gma - 1
Remove `Nesta::Page.menu_items` method
#167 opened by gma - 1
Try replacing the ModelFactory with Construct gem
#164 opened by gma - 2
Replace overrides.rb with find_template override
#122 opened by lilith - 2
- 6
Rack security vulnerability
#183 opened by etc - 1
Error creating new website
#171 opened by electron64 - 0
`Page#link_text` should default to "Home" for home page
#170 opened by gma - 4
- 1
Getting error
#162 opened by flik - 1
- 2
- 1
how to change the port 8080?
#143 opened by luckypoem - 9
- 11
Links to assets on same host should not include hostname
#103 opened by gma - 3
Automatically load .erb if .haml not found
#83 opened by gma - 1
Re-instate the parent metadata
#86 opened by gma - 0
Make it easy to change the default action
#85 opened by gma - 4
- 1
Remove shotgun as a dependency
#125 opened by datenimperator - 5
Add custom configuration options
#127 opened by davejlong - 3
- 10
- 3
Let environment variables override YAML
#133 opened by seanredmond - 1
Bump haml dependency to version 4.0
#130 opened by sergey-alekseev - 5
Need useful error message when page heading not set
#89 opened by ms - 8
- 5
Document title always shows title of home page
#108 opened by chadoh - 3
- 2
Plugin module naming is broken
#76 opened by gma - 1
Create a custom error page?
#82 opened by benjamincharity - 2
- 1
Compass Support
#80 opened by strass - 7
page.summary for haml missing paragraph tag
#75 opened by hishma - 1
Metadata processing error
#77 opened by etc