- 11
Website does not work
#147 opened by vpowell6 - 1
- 0
- 0
Empty array "triggers"
#143 opened by jekuno - 2
Cannot use another view inside itemview
#123 opened by dharchouhan - 5
- 1
- 2
- 2
Validating text values
#133 opened by docmattman - 1
- 3
My computed's set function return value isn't getting merged into the model when triggered from the ui
#126 opened by OneGeek - 0
ItemView collectionView attribute
#136 opened by stephen-moyer - 1
- 1
Error parsing bindings with `length` attribute
#124 opened by jekuno - 1
Properties with dashes in their names
#130 opened by Mad-Chemist - 3
- 1
How to return array from bindingSources?
#128 opened by victorwpbastos - 1
initComputeds ignores model.parse
#127 opened by DenMesh - 1
When using as a mixin, repeated _super calls
#114 opened by kevincolten - 4
mixin bindings
#111 opened by davis - 0
Epoxy.Model({ coll: new Collection() computed: deps: ["coll"] ... Does not trigger update
#125 opened by vans163 - 1
Nested model bindings
#122 opened by houpli - 3
Can I use this with Backbone-relational
#108 opened by itsmepetrov - 1
Custom inputs or widgets for value binding
#118 opened by houpli - 2
Radio buttons not firing on change
#77 opened by impatient - 0
- 1
- 3
Allow JSON for code bindings
#79 opened by vjpr - 7
- 5
v1.2 semver (bower)
#74 opened by geecu - 4
Version tags
#107 opened by frank-weindel - 8
Purpose of viewMap
#105 opened by frank-weindel - 1
Push 1.2.2 to npm
#104 opened by Prinzhorn - 1
- 2
setBinding('attribute', {object: 'literal'}) doesn't do what you think... does it?
#81 opened by disruptek - 2
- 3
- 7
- 8
Push 1.2.1 to Bower
#96 opened by Anachron - 5
- 2
how to have a toggle button
#101 opened by patrick-radius - 2
- 1
- 0
example implementations for marionett.js
#94 opened by fluxsaas - 1
How to properly clean up collection/model?
#76 opened by Prinzhorn - 1
Debugging the current binding context
#89 opened by adamyonk - 3
Epoxy.View mixin issue
#92 opened by adamyonk - 1
New Minified Version Not working
#93 opened by georgefrick - 1
Minified epoxy javascript is broken
#75 opened by frangarcia - 1
manualy trigger to redraw view
#87 opened by alxkolm