
Rack middleware to resize images

Primary LanguageRuby


"Enhance!" - Horatio Caine, CSI

Watch this, it's awesome

Enhance! is a Rack middleware that resizes your images on-the-fly using ImageMagick.

gem install enhance


In your Gemfile

gem 'enhance', '~> 0.1.0'

In your application.rb file

config.middleware.use "Enhance::Enhancer" do |config|
  config.match "images", "app/assets/images"
  config.match "attachments", "app/public/attachments"
  config.quality = 80

In your views:

image_tag enhance!("/images/toto.jpg", "200x200")


Enhance! will match URIs based on the config parameters. To the normal image URI, you will need to add the format. The format looks like ImageMagick's parameters.

Here are a few examples:

  • 200 or 200x, x200 or 200x200: resizes the image up to 200 pixels wide or high, keeping proportions and never upscaling the image
  • adding "<", ex: 200<: allows upscaling the image
  • 200x200!: disables proportions and resizes the image
  • adding "sample", ex: 200x200sample: resizes the image using nearest-neighbor filter

Example of matched URI:


Config Options

Enhance::Enhancer.new next_in_chain do |config|
  # ...
  • next_in_chain: Next Rack Application to use

Config methods

  • match(route, path): Match the route and look in path for the images | "", "./"
  • extensions=: list of supported extensions | [jpg, png, jpeg, gif]
  • quality=: quality of output images | 100
  • command_path=: path for imagemagick if not in PATH | Paperclip config if available
  • cache=: folder in which to cache enhanced images | "./tmp/enhanced"
  • max_side=: maximum size of the enhanced image | 1024