- 0
AVAILABLE_CONVERTERS[node_type]( KeyError: 'Less
#179 opened by vanvisa-pss - 0
Deserialization error with `Lambda` layers when loading saved model in new environment
#146 opened by bourcierj - 0
- 2
- 3
- 1
ValueError: Exception encountered when calling layer "LAYER_0" (type Conv2D).
#173 opened by md-rifatkhan - 0
- 0
Relu6 Operation not Converting
#167 opened by banoffee-pie - 0
- 1
- 0
Dynamic shapes
#160 opened by alexg93333 - 1
- 2
- 1
Bug: Accuracy drop after convert
#119 opened by chenyuqi990215 - 2
- 2
- 1
Not able to convert onnx model
#151 opened by deekshith1352 - 0
Use of bare except clause in `convert_concat`
#147 opened by bourcierj - 0
Error with BatchNorm conversions in training mode
#145 opened by bourcierj - 0
Not able to pip install in Apple M1
#144 opened by jkparuchuri - 1
Error when converting pretrained model: (raise ValueError("'%s' is not a valid scope name" % name) and 'functional_9/conv1/conv/Conv2D__6:0' is not a valid scope name
#134 opened by Lad4life - 2
KeyError: 'Resize' while converting onnx to keras
#139 opened by justtra - 1
Error : model inputs
#141 opened by elYeodeol - 1
Invalid scope names when reimporting a Keras model
#125 opened by theHamsta - 5
- 6
- 0
Indentation error in onnx2keras/
#138 opened by lesept777 - 0
- 0
ValueError: Exception encountered when calling layer "166_CHW" (type Lambda).
#136 opened by Akotkar23 - 1
How to modify the convolution property to same.
#135 opened by yahuuu - 2
dynamic_axes not supported
#128 opened by londumas - 0
Error when converting nn.Transformer
#133 opened by HaoKang-Timmy - 0
from onnx2keras import onnx_to_keras
#132 opened by ankitchandracs - 0
AVAILABLE_CONVERTERS[node_type]( KeyError: 'Abs'
#131 opened by peterukk - 0
Error with default MNIST model
#130 opened by enuzhin - 0
Hello friends,
#129 opened by enuzhin - 0
Current node is not in weights error
#126 opened by sangjun04 - 0
ValueError: Input 0 is incompatible with layer model: expected shape=(None, 3, 60, 60), found shape=(5, 60, 60, 3)
#124 opened by seyeeet - 0
error converting from onnx
#121 opened by CharlesWang528 - 2
Issues when parameter "change_ordering" is "True"
#113 opened by bwery - 2
Padding layer default mode missing
#112 opened by bwery - 1
KeyError: 'Tile'
#116 opened by alairfan - 3
Support Resize op
#108 opened by oeway - 1
Upsampling2d tflite conversionleads to failing shape inference and wrong output shape
#118 opened by Vozf - 0
WARNING:onnx2keras:transpose:Can't permute batch dimension. Result may be wrong.
#117 opened by SriGanesh130 - 0
- 0
Error with change_ordering
#110 opened by jkparuchuri - 0
No support for LSTM
#109 opened by jkparuchuri - 1
Support for Sign and LogSoftmax
#101 opened by teobaluta - 1
Cannot convert non-nearest upsampling
#99 opened by AzazelHD