
ActiveMessaging moved from google code - this will be the latest and greatest

Primary LanguageRuby

Active Messaging

ActiveMessaging is an attempt to bring the simplicity and elegance of rails development to the world of messaging. Messaging, (or event-driven architecture) is widely used for enterprise integration, with frameworks such as Java's JMS, and products such as ActiveMQ, Tibco, IBM MQSeries, etc.

ActiveMessaging is a generic framework to ease using messaging, but is not tied to any particular messaging system - in fact, it now has support for Stomp, AMQP, beanstalk, Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS), JMS (using StompConnect or direct on JRuby), WebSphere MQ, the all-Ruby ReliableMessaging, a mock 'test' adapter, and a 'synch' adapter for use in development that processes calls synchronously (of course) and so requires no broker or additional processes to be running.

Here's a sample of a processor class that handles incoming messages:

class HelloWorldProcessor < ActiveMessaging::Processor
	subscribes_to :hello_world
	def on_message(message)
		puts "received: " + message

Generating with Rails 3

After adding ActiveMessaging to your Gemfile and executing bundle install, run the following commands:

rails g active_messaging:install
rails g active_messaging:processor


Best bet is the google groups mailing list:
