
Primary LanguagePython


brew install sops age


customise editor

export EDITOR="code --wait"
export EDITOR="/Applications/Sublime\ Text.app/Contents/SharedSupport/bin/subl --wait"

local age key

create local age key

age-keygen -o key.txt

export sops environment variable for the age key

export SOPS_AGE_KEY_FILE=key.txt

gcp kms key

activate kms api

gcloud services enable cloudkms.googleapis.com

create key ring

gcloud kms keyrings create cursor-keyring --location global

create encryption key for sops

gcloud kms keys create cursor-key --location=global --keyring=cursor-keyring --purpose=encryption

list keys

gcloud kms keys list --keyring=cursor-keyring --location=global

encryption rules

.sops.yaml is used to configure sops to use both the local age key and the gcp kms key for encryption

  - path_regex: \.(secrets|creds)\.yml$
    gcp_kms: projects/xxx/locations/global/keyRings/xxx/cryptoKeys/cursor-key
    age: age1xxx


  • .creds.yml is encrypted with both the gcp kms key and the age key
  • .secrets.yml is encrypted with the gcp kms key only

tests after removing the key from gcp kms

.creds.yml is still able to be decrypted with the local age key

sops -d .creds.yml  # succeeds
sops -d --age "$(cat key.txt)" .creds.yml  # succeeds

.secrets.yml is no longer able to be decrypted because it requires the gcp kms key

sops -d .secrets.yml  # fails
sops -d --gcp-kms cursor-keyring/global/cursor-key .secrets.yml  # fails


encrypt secrets

sops -e .secrets.yml

edit secrets

sops .secrets.yml